Saturday, December 23, 2006

Living Metaphor - 12/23/2006 (Conscious - Sub Conscious ~ A Far Cry From "Pimps And Ho's!" And Fabricated Fantasy Law Suits)




David A. Archer



As I continue to consider the elements present in the beginnings of this version of Representative Democracy... the perspective in such considerations itself, becomes all the more incredible. If only in a musing fashion with and within the tendencies of the human species through development.

In considering the time frame where-in the United States began to form... and taking into account the level to which the colonies had progressed at that point.... a person tends to lean toward the regard of merely the existing influences of the day - the popular and exciting ideas which were focused on, being the actual focus of intention.

This is to say, as many will probably agree in that sense, the United States was very much a guinea pig. A developing area where new and exciting ideas could be put into motion. Ideas that - as is obvious in hind sight - were seen as that sort of potential, only wanting of some place to be utilized.

Such is substantiated with the French Revolution beginning immediately at the decline of the American Revolution. In my own belief, such is directly as result of the exciting potentials beginning to manifest.

Of course, such is and was draped in the popular and observable political bents of the time - but beyond such stances, beyond the quotes and statements is a deeper reason. I believe such reason is substantially due to those new ideas showing so much promise.

From my perspective, it was from the position of the political situation with the colonies where those ideas first found opportunity to begin a motion of development.

Something I now see, as is obvious within this work... is that such ideas were essentially rooted within the idea of Popular Christianity of the time. This, again if only through a matter of course and result of the more common facets of the social structure of the day. Again, the focus was very much on implementing new and progressive ideas regarding governing and social politics. I see very little actual evidence of concerted and purposeful efforts at the larger emulation which can be seen as result pertaining to modern forms of Christianity and the Bible.

While such may seem in some degrees as sort of a let down in considering the happenstance aspect (potential) of such, it really only stands as an incredible example and observable consistency within the development of human society(ies).

The layered aspects I am finding rather incredible as well... and such would stand to reason given that regardless of political differences of the day - which were and became quite pronounced as can be seen easily - the one commonality, which of course was not a focal point beyond the want unilaterally of addressing religion with a certain level of freedom, was Popular Christianity of the day.

Those layers within such motion could even be attributed to some degree, to that very aspect of subtle differences in approach to the same body of work... which of course, in this instance being within the scope and spectrum as it was - then acted to sort of create a sub conscious of the larger body in motion so to speak. It wasn't seen as a place of contention within the focus and excitement of all else transpiring.

In my belief, as I have expressed previously here in regarding the artistic appreciation and further within the concept/application aspect in human tendency, such a lack in focus - then actually presented further opportunity for the continuance of a consistency, layered as per motion, within that distinct lack of focal attention. It plays out in a more subconscious manner regarding a relationship with the larger motion in development. Within that further is the seeming tendency of such become more efficient the farther away it becomes from a dominating aspect in that sense.

Of course there are other, more topical and obvious aspects within the design and development of the United States government which really has little to do with the concepts utilized being new of that time period, and further has even less in relation to the motion being put forward in that subconscious sense on a larger scale - with and within the idea of Popular Christianity.

In so many words - just because the Romans eventually defeated Israel doesn't mean that there is a distinct relationship to the Romans. This being due largely from what I can discern, in that focus aspect of Popular Christianity of the time, and not so much things that may have transpired beyond the depictions within the Popular Work titled the Bible.

In another respect, in regard to the government and the direct influences which formed it... such might be entirely different - and is in some respects regarding things such as the Senate for instance. BUT, in my opinion, such developmental influences are of a different order... more so as result of the living influences which went into the development and progress of the new ideas for instance. The conscious and cognitive consideration of existing information (imposed limitations).

Another big BUT which is really kind of exciting here, is that within that combined elemental presence.... it then very much can be reasoned to incorporate many other folds of and within the progress of humanity, within both areas of consideration - being that more subconscious effect and the implemented ideologies corresponding.

Of course the Roman aspect is in no way the only timbre existing within that motion as anyone can see when simply considering it from this perspective.

Perhaps an easier way to consider this difference, is as stated; A conscious development, and a sub-conscious development. Simultaneously transpiring.

Both, and all within each of them respectively, manifesting moment to moment within our daily lives and social progress. Layered, off-set, related/un-related, staggered, in tandem. Very much as a person can see of the Bible itself in various degrees of development and use within different areas and cultures.

Further then considering the comparison to the idea of Christ it is a simple thing to see where, within such a concept (as Christ) in applied motion - developments then have the area to occur. But again, this isn't to say that Religion is the main focus here - nor is the government Jesus Christ.

Further yet then, within the larger divisions and motion of the social dynamic itself... a person can see comparisons to other aspects of and within the work titled the Bible. Again, as no result of applied effort to impose such motion. The presence of various extremes within the Bible can be seen as having manifested... more so have managed to be accommodated as result of them having manifested and then of course incorporated through various other facets with little or no relation to the idea of Popular Christianity - then, or now.

In fact, if I consider it simply in an applied sense as per that which has already transpired within history, and of course the United States - a person could almost entirely, if not entirely accommodate and thus fulfill every existing curse as result of failed compliance which exists within the book of instruction known as the Bible. That is, if a person were so inclined to such efforts in/of application.

A person can even see the extremes which appear to become a consistent within the Bible being comparable to the developed extremes within the continued loss of variation within political party diversity.

This of course is tended to be attributed directly perhaps to the motion in comparison of the Israelite community... but my personal perspective is that such is more a manifestation of that sub-conscious aspect in regard to this comparison. Being more relative to the apparent and consistent motion within the book itself as per extremes.

It makes sense that such a saturated work would eventually have such an effect on the body of population it most influenced. This of course beyond the topical result of applied ideology which can be found within it. Again, being more due to the seeming path of/in motion which it sets and maintains.

Further within that and probably as result of human tendency - gravitating toward those extremes socially, while failing to manifest the more subtle motion as it moves from one extreme to another. This point being in regard to the observable subtleties in such tone and timbre of motion through passages and chapters... and even from book to book.

In an abstract thought... just as an abstract consideration and definitely recognizing that such could not be an actual occurrence;

If one day you woke to find that you had in your possession, the very substance and idea of Jesus Christ and all of its facets - all of that which could be potential, what would you do with it?

I think I would do as little as possible with it in that sense. More employ it as to facilitate those progressive corruptions I have explored. I think I would utilize it to facilitate a semblance of life which was of and about the substance of life, itself. With as few imposed limitations as humanly possible.

Definitely a thought worth musing on though.... regardless of how ninny like and silly.

I suppose such forms of self entertainment could be seen as enemy of the commerce world these days - but even the beginnings of established value and worth in a commerce sense can be seen in those early books of the Popular work titled the Bible. Most surely there were and have been other examples of trade and commerce, but it is a distinction as far as I can tell thus far - to have designed and implemented a social motion to not only bolster such commerce, but develop value as well pertaining to the form of monies used.

When those designs are applied in a larger sense, a person can see the beginnings perhaps of a floating monetary system. Whether or not such was applied in that sense at the time beyond being as result of the social structure itself.

When a person then considers such initial designs with the eventual disbursement of the tribes of Israel through out various countries... while keeping a rather commendable consistency of themselves.... it then stands to reason that such early designs could have been a model, if even sub-consciously, in more modern designs and attempts at the introduction of coin/monies.

It is one thing for some individual in a position of power to stamp a profile on a piece of metal and say it is worth something... and it is entirely another thing for a coined piece to be a part of a motion of itself, relating to that which it is related to - if that makes sense.

Again, I would argue at this point in my humble knowledge, that such designs as can be seen in those early books of the Bible are very much the beginnings of differentiation between the ideas of worth and value. More so a point of separation between the relating meaning of an object (coin for instance) and imparted value. The difference between it being said something is worth so much, and something holding such value of its own.

But that all might be bordering on a different area of consideration at this point in this work. though it will be interesting to again consider fictive transfer in conjunction with such developments.

H.A.P.; W.N.J.T.T.F. O.L.W.S.A.P.D.


I do not believe that acknowledging/exploring such is of the same effect as is the purposeful effort to employ/impose it. As I have put forward in and of my own belief, it is the imposed aspect - the purposeful implementation which then causes the problematic results... much in a similar manner as the difference between viewing a potential masterpiece, and taking it down off the wall to throw it around as if it were some primitive weapon to wield for some trinket like reward.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Living Metaphor - 11/26/2006 (Looking At Some Numbers)


Popular Christianity 11/26/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



11/26/2006 (continued)

To further toy with the comparison(s) I have been exploring between the early Tribes of Israel and the applied version of representative democracy in which we exist, I managed to research the order of early established colonies for this purpose, as well as a few other forms of classification associated with them - from the time of English establishment (quite interesting) until the re-ordered use (the order of colonies) in application of those applied concepts under Liberty as it were.

Initially, the English Colonies in direct comparison to the Tribes of Israel are as follows;

(note; a decided discrepancy in regard to Levite placement as being 0, and thus first, and the possible placement as 13th - and thus last - within the ten number aspects I have already presented. This of course is an effort of direct comparison as per listed Tribes of Israel, both camped and in motion for exploration sake). ~

I examine the listed colonies both in order they were said to be established, then in the order they Entered the Union - and some really interesting aspects - coincidence - begin to surface.

Since it is that I am currently (topically) studying the Book of Numbers - it is that I am inclined to then affix some basic enumeration - and numerology tactic to the configurations (please note the discrepancies between the two examples of order - as result of internet information or perhaps a deeper consideration socially?);


If it is that these are then grouped in 3's - in a similar manner to the Tribes of Israel - treating Delaware (in the 6-7 position pertaining to the first example list) - as the middle (Levite) tribe - it begins to have some rather interesting traits. One of which being that Delaware is in that 6-7 place - and further is the future Capitol of the United States - even then being the first Colony to Enter the Union. Which then re-orders that list as such;

2.(1). PENNSYLVANIA16828


(2).NEW JERSEY16648
9.(8).NEW HAMPSHIRE 16233
11.(01)NEW YORK16648
13.(2)RHODE ISLAND16367

Several things to note and explore here - the first of which that comes to mind being the difference between information pertaining to early colony establishment as per internet information - which itself, as I look at it in the context of this comparison with that social structure in mind - of the Tribes of Israel, could be more as result in that change in order with the command to travel depicted within the bible - now surfacing as discrepancy pertaining to order in such forms of information listing.

Most pronounced in that line of thought is the obvious shift of Massachusetts between the 1st and 2nd placement - which would further indicate it being representative of a leader aspect beyond individual tribe in that sense - grouping focal point as it were - which as well then coincides with the idea of Hub in some contexts. ~

Further then, the list being Massachusetts as 1st - then places Pennsylvania in that 6 -7 place - which then leads to Philadelphia not only having been the largest city in the time period - but further acting as the first functioning Capitol. ~

Without getting to involved with the obvious myriad in combinations pertaining to apparent relativity in enumeration - it can be said in looking at such developments, that there seem to have been at least two distinct mind sets within the progress of such developments _ that isn't to say dictating influences, but only distinct differences in motion so to speak. Which can be depicted as a point of reference in the subtle differences between considering 0 (zero) as a place and conversely not doing so in considering 1 (one) as a certain beginning point.

I am not asserting that such is the reason for said distinctions - nor is it that I am asserting such was a conscious effort in application - but only an efficient tool in illustrating such differences. ~

Since I am listing such things at the moment, I will include the order of Capitols (as per internet) at the time of the revolution;

  4. YORK
  9. D.C. (DELAWARE)

This then presents a sort of combination pertaining to that 6 - 7 placement; Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and on the list of Capitols - Trenton.

This line of thought and application then can be reasoned of course, in various other combinations pertaining to placement in that line of reasoning applied to other aspects within these developments.

While not really substantiating anything, I find it wonderfully entertaining food for thought considering influence at the least - if not just a manner in which to consider things in observation which may be somewhat out of the norm. ~

Most definitely some things to explore in such relations. perhaps even a notebook worth of attention, of its own as I have considered? ~

For now, back to the book of Numbers.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Living Metaphor - 12/08/2006 (Seat Of The Pants)




David A. Archer



Further in studies pertaining to the popular work known as the Bible, I find most recently much which inspires the further exploration of the idea concerning the United States as being a living metaphor.

Again I stress that I in no way imply it to be some religious representation in a rather large sense, but more as result in and of effect pertaining to the relation humans have with those imposed limitations and social structures which have been introduced over the centuries.

It just so happens that I am currently - and rather topically - studying Popular Christianity through the use of what is said to be the most accessible representation of the work known as the Bible. Such is purposeful as per my intentions simply in the interest of examining what is currently perceived - in the wider sense.

As I have stated, it is in my belief that other examples of those structures exist within this metaphor as well - especially those examples which the idea of Representative Democracy was based on at the time - that time being between the late 1600's and 1700's - as represented in various works that anyone can research for themselves. ~

While involved with my studies recently, I happened upon a realization in similarity pertaining to social developments within what was known as the tribes of Israel (in the old testament) and what I can discern about the early development and continued direction of the United States.

In chapter 34 of the book of Numbers, a person can begin to see these similarities in social development given the social changes the Israelites began concerning their social structure. As well, in 27:12 can be seen what amounts to political changes on their horizon that would essentially result in a split of power between what could be seen as church and state. Then as noted, the social changes in leaving the idea of the nomadic life, combined with the obvious divergence (split) of the tribes between East and West of the Jordan River, now present another political shift pertaining to their social structure. Particularly in regard to the reasons that the split transpired around interests very much associated with agricultural/cultivation productivity. That itself, would stand to provide a great platform for a power shift within any large community.

Further there are notable developments at this point which even suggest the beginnings of a judicial system.

In considering these social developments within the Tribes of Israel within these chapters, it very much then supports the idea of the United States as a metaphor. But more so than even just in the aspect of Christ - and even further than the relation between the 13 original colonies and that number of tribes before the divergence at the Jordan river. ~

It definitely illustrates a larger process - a connectivity even, if only through the process of existence. ~

The development at the Jordan river even, then could be seen within this metaphor as corresponding to perhaps the American Revolution as example - then further, as per the potential political areas of development within that divergence at the Jordan River could be seen as similar to those political areas which were set forward in creating the United States Government - even and most notably the three divisions of political power. ~

The more that I consider the idea of representative Democracy - United States in this example - being a metaphor, the more that I can see from such a perspective pertaining to the aspects perceived in regard to something beyond a larger consistency - it very much demonstrates that consistency and further the resonation of those firmed structures previously introduced into our reality. ~

The seat of the pants element within the early United States Government, very much stands as an example in regard to the effect of those resonations. ~

Even more so in regard to that larger process in action as it occurred. ~

It is known that much planning and support came from some brilliant minds of the time - many having been firmly conditioned within that work called the Bible before applying themselves into and toward their own directions respectively. ~

Some rather uncanny though notable aspects can be seen as well in regard to the geographic alignment of the Continental United States - most notably at this point in the emulation, being the Mississippi river - then of course, the location of the original 13 colonies being East if that division - then developing Westward, though - again demonstrating the offset of that larger process - not being a direct relation so to speak - but then presenting the layered effect I have addressed. Meaning, with this example - that while East of the Mississippi - that resonation played out of itself, in regard perhaps to the point within itself that it had progressed to from the initial movements (combined with other facets having been purposefully put into motion), then again - as expansion Westward took place, there in demonstrating those layers in motion and offset within that larger process now having been conditioned through the filtration of established structures and manifesting as per - through our human perception and existence.

The popular work called the Bible having been a predominant influence in regard to said conditioning. ~

At this point I do not believe that such traits were purposeful to a great degree - this being substantiated by the presence and focal efforts on new and ground breaking ideas being set into motion for the first time in an applied sense. ~

Further, though the presence of the Mississippi river may have been coincidental - in relation to that larger motion it seems that it had its effect in then acting to encourage further metaphoric manifestation through an association sort of interaction.

With its presence, it may have provided a stimulation of sorts in support of that motion within that larger process which had already been conditioned through the popular structure known as the Bible. ~

For instance; If it were that there had been no river there (especially running North/South), part of that emulation might not have folded again, upon itself with that point of reference which the Mississippi prospectively presented. ~

For example from a sociological perspective in regard to the consistency I perceive - this would speculatively mean that within that series of motion beginning at the American Revolution for instance as representative of a manifestation of that divergence, that such conditioned structure continued to play out - even then presenting another emulation in divergence itself within those initial 13 colonies - which could be likened to the initial presence of several political parties.

Then, upon the influence of that geographic location of the Mississippi river - then again found conjunction of sorts which resulted in a layered effect then taking place within the offset of that larger motion.

If I were to research it more in depth, I believe I would find great coinciding/familiar motion of/resembling those having taken place within that popular work - beyond (Westward) of the Mississippi. These layers then playing out within the interaction of themselves, as well. ~

Such being represented (though speculatively) in the onset of the American civil War. ~

Most notably within that example, is representation (though in the extreme) of that offset effect within that larger motion - being a shift in that divergence from an East/West regard, to a North/South. ~

Another attribute and substantiation to the idea of layered effect, is that West of the Mississippi there was far less effect from the more recent example of that divergence (North/South) being the Civil War, than there was East of the Mississippi. Demonstrating in comparison, the subtle distance between those layers and effect. ~

From my perspective, there is little possibilities of such occurrences being orchestrated as such - again, especially early on in that seat of the pants - though intentional and thought out - series of developments. ~

Sunday, December 03, 2006

LIVING METAPHOR? - 12/03/2006 (From Moses To "Marty Mouse")




David A. Archer



While it is that this is entirely my conjecture and speculation based on personal observation, and while the concept of comparison initially occurred to me through considering the similarities between the idea of Christ (applied in a larger social sense - as structure) and the concept of representative democracy as it was put forward in the United States, it is a rather simple thing to step even further and begin to find comparisons with much in the manner of metaphor.

In fact, in simply considering what I know of popular Christianity and the Bible - it becomes apparent that the concept itself could be much more impressive than in simply considering the metaphoric aspect with Christ.

To no level of complication, I will state that within my perspective and growing belief through observation and such considerations - I can easily see where it is that perhaps the entirety of the work and influence called the Bible, was set into motion within the application of the concepts put forward comprising the idea of representative democracy.

Again, just to make sure it is entirely clear - I in no way think this is meant to confine the concept(s) of representative democracy within any one form of religious belief. I simply see - again, whether through happenstance with the level of influence existing in and of the idea of modern Christianity - or conversely as some artistic attempt at utilizing those ingrained tendencies and further in such effort artistically speaking, to in fact create a usable form of living art work. A representation, so to speak, of already existing representations.

A use of the idea of transference that is yet to be surpassed.

Within my belief, as I have stated pertaining to the work known as the Bible - such is meant to be considered as an entirety - with of course the potentials to isolate given examples within it - but in no way to be segregated in extremes as it were.

To illustrate this perspective - I could liken it to other forms of thought structures - conditioning elements having been introduced into the idea of human cognitive thought - which in effect and action have (and do) act to form a generalized motion and consistency in the thought process.

In the larger sense, those thought structures are taken into account as an entirety - if even in the subconscious sense in and of their effect on which ever aspects of humanity they happen to find influence on - to which ever degree they have been absorbed in that sense in relative measures so to speak.

As with the work titled the Bible - these other forms of structures can (and are) considered at times (in a conscious manner) as parts... bits and pieces in some respects, and many times - consciously - such is the majority in effect and level to which they are acknowledged.

In many versions of the idea of truth, it is near impossible to find anyone that can recite and/or embody any given structure entirely as it was set forward. Especially in the exact context of the initial ideologies - which, as I have explained, I feel is very much a part of the larger process and even idea in the more deft approaches to said area of conceptualization(s) through out history. In my opinion, it was really then (the realization of such consistency of inconsistency) where people realized those innate tendencies within the human creature, that actual progress showed itself as beneficial.

In considering that - it then makes even the idea and possibility of what I am exploring here - with the living metaphoric aspects of said concepts - all the more exciting, given that in such a possibility as would be such a brilliant stroke within humanity is/are the proofs of the species having made the observation and assertion to the degrees of recognizing that inherent tendency (partial aspect and motion in progression away from any verbatim reproduction) toward various corruptions as well as the potentials within it.

To utilize the regard that no one would/has or will ever embody and recite a given ideology/work as it was put forward - within the basic structure of a larger-productive social mechanism WITHOUT attempting to acknowledge it (or worship it) has got to be the biggest and most impressive stroke of human genius ever! Artistically or otherwise.

To utilize the inherent knowledge that all would not stay the same, while then employing that tendency within a living ideology - which would remain un-acknowledged, tending itself through the changes and progression(s) - very much puts my humble existence hard pressed for words to compliment both the simplicity of it, and the utter freaking brilliance within it. Rather selfless as well, if I do say, which is further representation of even the idea of Christ - to put forward such an effort with no acknowledgement for having done so is one of the things that puts my beliefs in the area of this metaphor having happened as much from that saturation as from anything else. It seems far too brilliant for anyone to have put forward with no want of at least the recognition in having done so. Which means there is also the potential of those having implemented it being entirely ignorant themselves of a much larger motion - relativity being put into motion.

That is to say - if it were that my assertions and observations are even anywhere near correct.

To consider the idea of representative democracy as a metaphor - truly has expanded my perspective, and I attribute it to my studies and willingness to explore different perspectives.

In so many words regarding what I see as such a working metaphor within the idea of representative democracy - choose a book of any sort which you are familiar with (just to demonstrate). As you look at the cover of it - consider that all within it were then projected out into your perception as a flow of idea/ideology - further then, in a non-linear manner - or at least in a loose fashion where no certain chapter or idea within it is necessarily bound to any other as it streams forth into existence through your perception.

Such is similar to how it is that I see the various aspects of various structures then streaming out as result called representative democracy.

As I was expressing moments ago in regard to the various Biblical examples as and within this potential metaphor; Initially, there were thirteen (13) colonies (whether you want to count them as American or English - such is of little concern in regard to the larger idea in motion - but I might say that apparent discrepancies could be cited as a substantial fuel in the continuing motion and efficiency of that larger emulation I am describing from my perspective) - there were thirteen (13) Tribes of Israel (all told including the Levite's) within the Old Testament.

This I will most definitely explore further for my own entertainment if nothing else - to the extent even of exploring some basic numerological relations - such as the order and dates colonies were established - when they were admitted to the Union - and if I can see any relation to any certain aspects of those earlier tribes of Israel.

To again address the non linear aspects of this, I will cite that immediately there are some obvious examples in relation to other areas within that very popular work called the Bible, within the motions and developments of the governing mechanism (and results) - which in no way seem tied to any other existing aspects, in any sort of linear set manner. Nor does it seem that they are set within any given area of that larger mechanism.

It seems very much to stream as I have described - even when considering the more rough spots and results that find themselves needing to be rectified.

I will explore as many of these facets as I can discern throughout my studies of both Theological Ideologies and those many other ideologies having found their way into the eye of humanity. And I will then display those notes here (at least in part) as I continue to produce a work I have titled The United States - Living Metaphor?.

Again, I do note (as I have expressed) that I do not believe such religious belief structures are (or were) meant as to be domineering. Factually, as I observe even the idea as I may envision it - other attributes were not only included, but were/are necessary. It is only that I find the application of the idea(s) within that of Christ to enable such a presence of just about anything.

If such ever turned out to be the case... and I have happened upon something of substance, I do believe that the use of the potentials within the idea of Christ in such a manner, is nothing short of incredible. To utilize the implied meaning of such a sacrifice to then efficiently benefit from what it made possible in those lines of belief, is truly magnificent - even though, to be honest with my own opinions, it could (and probably does) act as the sort of imposed limitation I have explored and explained previously in other works. If for no other reason than a containment factor in and of then placing the limitations of humanity onto an otherwise infinite concept/idea.

This of course, and further only with those attempts to impose such means to ends - as it stands with the use of those concepts simply as a matter of course - there is far less confinement as result within the potentials and results, as can be readily seen.

I do not believe that acknowledging/exploring such is of the same effect as is the purposeful effort to employ/impose it. As I have put forward in and of my own belief, it is the imposed aspect - the purposeful implementation which then causes the problematic results... much in a similar manner as the difference between viewing a potential masterpiece, and taking it down off the wall to throw it around as if it were some primitive weapon to wield for some trinket like reward.